Sunday, November 20, 2016

Assistive Technology Tools to Support Writing

In our text book, Assistive Technology in the Classroom Enhancing the School Experiences of Students with Disabilities, the authors offer wonderful resources to support writing. Two of my favorites are  Google Scribe and Digital Storytelling.

Google Scribe is extremely similar to the auto complete feature on cell phones. This tool basically takes your preexisting writing and suggests phrases or words to complete your typing. The best part is the tool is 100% free and can be downloaded through the Chrome webstore. The downside to this tool is students can only use it with Chrome and in google blogger (this site).

I could see a tools like this being extremely beneficial in most classes especially in an English class for students with writing problems, students with attention problems, and even students who get stuck frequently while writing.

Digital Storytelling seems like it is a valuable tool for students to use as a vehicle for many diverse groups of students to learn. It taps into so many different learners for example it's engaging, visual, and hands on. Students can tell a story in a new unique way. I could see this being really beneficial in a History class (historical pov) or even an English class (characterization). The opportunities seem endless. This tool would be beneficial for many types of students including those with poor attention skills.  Many of the apps I found online are free to both students and teachers including Adobe Slate.

1 comment:

  1. There were so many websites to choose from in our textbook, and I think you chose two that were absolutely wonderful tools to support the student in writing. I am so glad to read that GoogleScribe and Digital Storytelling are free tools to use. Even though there are many tools to help students in school, the prices of some are too expensive to possibly suggest in a school district. I am happy to see that students in writing can at least have suggested phrases and focused attention during class!
